Saturday, November 1, 2008

62 percent fun!

I want to sit down and blog for a long time, but I also want to go to bed while watching Gilmore Girls and reading Scott Pilgrim Volume III (which just came in the mail today). So here are things I learned today.

1. Things that help you feel better when you are feeling down:
  • Cooking with your favorite people in a really clean kitchen. Involving lots of spices like saffron strands and coriander and whatnot.
  • Riding your bike in the sun.
  • Listening to Joanna Newsom with people who also like Joanna Newsom.
  • Eating food from bullet point one.
  • Finding one million dollars that you can keep or spend on opulent things.
  • Holding your sister's Buddy Bear like it is a man.
  • Listening to the Lite Rock station.
2. Things I love about Prospect.1 -- the United States' first biennial ever, which just happens to be in New Orleans (I plan to blog hardcore about this tomorrow, so stay tuned):
  • Everything.
3. Miscellaneous things that were exciting about today:
  • It was Leah's birthday. We all ate food for hours with dozens of people on the Bayou St. John and saw nutria. IN FACT, Joe and Dave tried to throw seashells at the nutria in order to "catch" them. Failures, all attempts. Good food, drink, etc. Tomorrow Leah and I are getting mani/pedis from a freelance nail lady.
  • My letter got published in the Times Picayune! I'm famous. People were texting me all over the TOWN about it!
  • We saw a lot of desecrated robot costumes on Frenchmen, and I was secretly glad I didn't go out last night. It would have been too much for me. The aftermath was almost too much for me.
  • People put bright flowers on graves for Day of the Dead. I like how beautifully death is treated in this city. With such respect and wonder...

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